Kish Free Zone Organization

Company registration

Easy procedure for determining name and subject: Determining name of legal individuals will take place within 2 days


Company registration

Easy procedure for determining name and subject: Determining name of legal individuals will take place within 2 days.Meanwhile, determining subject will be much easier comparing to the main land considering the free zones regulations and particularly article 5 of the law for manner of.managing trade-industrial free zones .Elimination of redundant office bureaucracy and easy registration procedure: The applicants may register their companies within 3 or 4 days by the help of consultants to Companies Registration Office and this period is considerably less than the time at the main land and even other free zones and it is indeed competitive to other free zones across the worlds as well as developed countries:Registering company with full foreign shareholders By virtue of articles 2 and 5 of the regulations for investment in trade-industrial free zones, there is no limitation on registration of legal entities in terms of nationality. The foreign investors may investment under any proportion in the zone economic activities Virtual offices to be used by the investors: Legal individuals who lack a legal domicile may use P.O. Box for a month if they wish