Registration of foreign goods and services sales representative
All natural and legal entities that have obtained a valid economic license are obliged to submit the required documents for purpose of registration of their services or agencies. However, natural and legal entities who both are active and have a valid agency certificate are encouraged to present the original and photocopy of the aforementioned certificate for registration.
Required Documents
Submitting the written application
Completing and signing the registration application
Completing and signing the commitment letters
Submitting a copy of company's statute
Newspaper advertiser for the established company by legal entities
Submitting the original and photocopy of the economic license as well as a valid business card
Presenting the formal agreement between the two parties (foreign supplier and the Iranian agency). This agreement must have the seal of approval of country of origin's chamber of commerce and the local Iranian embassy. It must be translated formally and legally by ministry of justice.
The formal agreement must contain details including: duration, termination manner, settlement and etc. Its general conditions must be in accordance with the international agreements.