Management Introduction

Attracting domestic and foreign investors, facilitating the investment process and investment management are the primary goals of introducing the Department of Economic and Investment within the organizational chart.

The important objectives of this management are as followings:

Increasing the investment rate

Simplification of the investment process

Increasing the area GDP

Financial and economic expansion of the area

The general and significant duties of the investment management as the investment administer of the Kish Free Trade Zone are:

Introducing the investment opportunities for attracting investors as well as increasing the local GDP

Evaluation and acquisition of investment offers and financial resumes, documents and certifications  approving the investors legitimacy for the proposed plan.

Inquiring and communicating with the concerned organizations in regards to the proposed plans.

Preparing the final report for the economic and land evaluation commission

Preparing the minutes of the economic commission and announcing the approvals as the commission's secretariat

Contract setup of land divestiture and announcing the contracts

Following up on the agreements, specially controlling the physical progress of the project.

Investigating the problems and requests of the investors and fixing the investment obstacles as well as providing suggestions to the commission for approval 

Investigating of the price changes of land in the region and providing price suggestion in order to control the market. Setting policies in accordance to the general policies of the organization.

Governing and controlling the financial market (bank, insurance, stock market, exchange, leasing and etc) as well as expansion planing with other concerned organization (central bank, central insurance, stock market)  in order to expand the financial transaction of the region.